Language & Cultural Services

Statheron's linguists and cultural advisors bring native-level expertise under proven management and quality control processes.


Translation and Interpretation

Statheron linguists consider communication to be the fundamental basis by which conflict is resolved. Whether the environment is kinetic or developmental, clear, accurate, nuanced communication plays an important role.  Our team brings nearly two decades of experience managing efforts calling for accurate,  sensitive,  idiomatic translation of documents and interpretation of spoken language.  Our process includes back-translation to ensure that linguists accurately convey  meaning between English and the target language, and we place a high priority on English-language communication skills so that clients can fully benefit from linguist expertise, in order to bridge cultural barriers and find common values to build on and strengthen hard won stability.  




Statheron cultural advisors recognize that reaching out to culturally diverse audiences calls for more than simply transmitting words.  It is necessary to grasp the cultural, religious, political, economic, and social factors that inform different worldviews.  We apply native-level familiarity with societies of interest to help clients understand and communicate, including sensitivity to language, music, imagery, body language, demeanor, and attitude.  Our partners and employees offer clients engaging with different cultures the perspective to see the world through their audience's eyes in order to reach the best possible outcomes.



Media Production and Quality Control

Statheron knows that seemingly minor flaws in translation, media products, and cross-cultural engagement can lead to significant embarrassment in an era of pervasive mass media.  We apply proven quality assurance and quality control processes to ensure the accuracy of client media products.  When reaching out to new markets and populations, it is critical that products achieve intended effects with no unintended consequences.  Our language and media process includes analysis, double-checks, and independent verification to validate message accuracy.  We scrutinize both semantic and non-verbal content to ensure that client communications achieve the intended purpose.